Tourney To Shodan 4

Season 4: July 8th – September 28th

This season we had 27 players joining. 1 person is graduating!

Esskun will be facing Katagami 7 dan in the handicap game!


  1. Esskun – 8 wins
  2. Riddleben – 8 wins
  3. Moritzvb – 6 wins

Graduates (1500 elo, 1 dan)

Esskun 1604

Close to graduation:

Moritzvb 1499

shogiban 1499


 Num  Name R 1 R 2 R 3 R 4 R 5 R 6 R 7 R 8 R 9 NBWSOS-1SOSOSDC
Esskun Saito#6125 2- 21+ 7+ 5+ 4+ 14+ 3+ 8+ 6+8453750
Riddleben Riddle#1793 1+ 5- 8+ 22+ 18+ 3+ 10+ 4+ 7+843½365½0
Moritzvb Moritz#9187 17+ 20+ 11+ 18+ 14+ 2- 1- 6- 5+642359½0
Gosttone Gosttone#7428 22- 25+ 6+ 16+ 1- 7+ 12+ 2- 8+6423550
Clawmac Clawmac#8739 21+ 2+ 10- 1- 6= 9+ 11+ 13+ 3-453530
Duduryuuoubr Duduplaysbr150#2009 27+ 10- 4- 9+ 5= 16+ 20+ 3+ 1-41½3340
Alfieri Alfieri#2461 12+ 14- 1- 17+ 20+ 4- 18+ 11+ 2-541343½0
Olivandy Oli#7045 20- 17+ 2- 25+ 16+ 11+ 13+ 1- 4-5403510
Whitetiger White Tiger#7555 13- 15+ 22- 6- 17+ 5- 21+ 12+ 20+532½3230
10 Davyjones Davyjones#4186 26+ 6+ 5+ 14- 11+ 18= 2- 0- 0- 30½244½0
11 Ezra Ezrags#8840 19+ 23+ 3- 12+ 10- 8- 5- 7- 16+437327½0
12 Vieridin Vieridin#6548 7- 26+ 20+ 11- 22- 25+ 4- 9- 19+430½301½0
13 Rosenzweig Shusaku#0845 9+ 24- 18- 21+ 23+ 22+ 8- 5- 0- 429½2650
14 Katz Katz#5890 16+ 7+ 24+ 10+ 3- 1- 0- 0- 0- 429217½0
15 Jienjien Jienjien#9539 24- 9- 17- 19+ 21+ 20- 22+ 16- 0+ 426½257½0
16 Syncr0 Syncr0#6861 14- 19+ 23+ 4- 8- 6- 17= 15+ 11-35½3060
17 Dasuke Dasuke#6482 3- 8- 15+ 7- 9- 21- 16= 25+ 23+34323½0
18 Lolmenz Lolmensans#9137 25+ 22+ 13+ 3- 2- 10= 7- 0- 0- 31½2610
19 Neochapline Neochapline#1671 11- 16- 21- 15- 25+ 23= 0+ 20+ 12-25268½0
20 Frenchychessplayer Frenchychessplayer#3686 8+ 3- 12- 23+ 7- 15+ 6- 19- 9-338314½0
21 Lluc Lasoo#8843 5- 1- 19+ 13- 15- 17+ 9- 23- 25+3363040
22 Shogiban Mialino#3191 4+ 18- 9+ 2- 12+ 13- 15- 0- 0- 334½2430
23 Nicflo92 Queen_Pc#9668 0+ 11- 16- 20- 13- 19= 25- 21+ 17-25½275½0
24 Rumpel Rumpel#2372 15+ 13+ 14- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 212850
25 Ramalam Ramalam62#5130 18- 4- 0+ 8- 19- 12- 23- 17- 21-131268½0
26 Itsnyroc Nyroc#4551 10- 12- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0610
27 Mashiromai Đức Ko Vui#9999 6- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 041½0

Useful links:

Round 9 results

Table NrPlayer 1Player 2ResultURL
1Duduryuuoubr Duduplays(2K)Esskun Saito#6125(2K)0 – 1link
2Clawmac Clawmac#8739(2K)Moritzvb Moritz#9187(1K)0 – 1link
3Olivandy Oli#7045(6K)Gosttone Gosttone#7428(4K)0 – 1link
4Riddleben Riddle#1793(4K)Alfieri Alfieri#2461(3K)1 – 0link
5Ezra Ezrags#8840(3K)Syncr0 Syncr0#6861(2K)1 – 0link
6Whitetiger White Tiger(2K)Frenchychessplayer Fre(3K)1 – 0link
7Neochapline Neochaplin(6K)Vieridin Vieridin#6548(5K)0 – 1no game
8Dasuke Dasuke#6482(4K)Nicflo92 Queen_Pc#9668(9K)1 – 0link
9Ramalam Ramalam62#5130(6K)Lluc Lasoo#8843(4K)0 – 1link

BYE POINT (free point, no opponent) > Jienjien Jienjien#9539 5K

Rosenzweig Shusaku#084(5K) > withdraw

Round 8 results

Table NrPlayer 1Player 2ResultURL
1Gosttone Gosttone#7428(4K)Riddleben Riddle#1793(4K)0 – 1link
2Esskun Saito#6125(2K)Olivandy Oli#7045(6K)1 – 0link
3Duduryuuoubr Duduplays(2K)Moritzvb Moritz#9187(1K)1 – 0link
4Rosenzweig Shusaku#084(5K)Clawmac Clawmac#8739(2K)0 – 1no game
5Ezra Ezrags#8840(3K)Alfieri Alfieri#2461(3K)0 – 1link
6Vieridin Vieridin#6548(5K)Whitetiger White Tiger(2K)0 – 1link
7Syncr0 Syncr0#6861(2K)Jienjien Jienjien#9539(5K)1 – 0link
8Frenchychessplayer Fre(3K)Neochapline Neochaplin(6K)0 – 1no game
9Nicflo92 Queen_Pc#9668(9K)Lluc Lasoo#8843(4K)1 – 0no game
10Ramalam Ramalam62#5130(6K)Dasuke Dasuke#6482(4K)0 – 1link

Davyjones Davyjones#41(5K) > withdraw

Lolmenz Lolmensans#913(3K) > withdraw

Shogiban Mialino#3191(1K) > withdraw

Standings after round 7

 Num  Name R 1 R 2 R 3 R 4 R 5 R 6 R 7 NBWSOS-1SOSOSDC
Riddleben Riddle#1793 2+ 6- 5+ 13+ 12+ 3+ 7+628½1880
Esskun Saito#6125 1- 21+ 9+ 6+ 4+ 10+ 3+628½1860
Moritzvb Moritz#9187 23+ 15+ 14+ 12+ 10+ 1- 2-525½1900
Gosttone Gosttone#7428 13- 25+ 8+ 19+ 2- 9+ 17+5231700
Olivandy Oli#7045 15- 23+ 1- 25+ 19+ 14+ 11+520172½0
Clawmac Clawmac#8739 21+ 1+ 7- 2- 8= 16+ 14+271830
Davyjones Davyjones#4186 26+ 8+ 6+ 10- 14+ 12= 1-25½1680
Duduryuuoubr Duduplaysbr150#2009 27+ 7- 4- 16+ 6= 19+ 15+22½155½0
Alfieri Alfieri#2461 17+ 10- 2- 23+ 15+ 4- 12+424½175½0
10 Katz Katz#5890 19+ 9+ 22+ 7+ 3- 2- 0- 4241440
11 Rosenzweig Shusaku#0845 16+ 22- 12- 21+ 24+ 13+ 5-418½1500
12 Lolmenz Lolmensans#9137 25+ 13+ 11+ 3- 1- 7= 9-26½1780
13 Shogiban Mialino#3191 4+ 12- 16+ 1- 17+ 11- 18-324½161½0
14 Ezra Ezrags#8840 20+ 24+ 3- 17+ 7- 5- 6-324½150½0
15 Frenchychessplayer Frenchychessplayer#3686 5+ 3- 17- 24+ 9- 18+ 8-324½148½0
16 Whitetiger White Tiger#7555 11- 18+ 13- 8- 23+ 6- 21+3211650
17 Vieridin Vieridin#6548 9- 26+ 15+ 14- 13- 25+ 4-319157½0
18 Jienjien Jienjien#9539 22- 16- 23- 20+ 21+ 15- 13+315½1490
19 Syncr0 Syncr0#6861 10- 20+ 24+ 4- 5- 8- 23=22½1450
20 Neochapline Neochapline#1671 14- 19- 21- 18- 25+ 24= 0+ 131280
21 Lluc Lasoo#8843 6- 2- 20+ 11- 18- 23+ 16-223156½0
22 Rumpel Rumpel#2372 18+ 11+ 10- 0- 0- 0- 0- 211610
23 Dasuke Dasuke#6482 3- 5- 18+ 9- 16- 21- 19=22½1620
24 Nicflo92 Queen_Pc#9668 0+ 14- 19- 15- 11- 20= 25-16129½0
25 Ramalam Ramalam62#5130 12- 4- 0+ 5- 20- 17- 24-120½120½0
26 Itsnyroc Nyroc#4551 7- 17- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 044½0
27 Mashiromai Đức Ko Vui#9999 8- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 022½0

Round 7 results

Table NrPlayer 1Player 2ResultURL
1Moritzvb Moritz#9187(1K)Esskun Saito#6125(2K)0 – 1link
2Davyjones Davyjones#41(5K)Riddleben Riddle#1793(4K)0 – 1 no game
3Rosenzweig Shusaku#084(5K)Olivandy Oli#7045(6K)0 – 1 no game
4Alfieri Alfieri#2461(3K)Lolmenz Lolmensans#913(3K)1 – 0link
5Clawmac Clawmac#8739(2K)Ezra Ezrags#8840(3K)1 – 0link
6Duduryuuoubr Duduplays(2K)Frenchychessplayer Fre(3K)1 – 0link
7Vieridin Vieridin#6548(5K)Gosttone Gosttone#7428(4K)0 – 1link
8Lluc Lasoo#8843(4K)Whitetiger White Tiger(2K)0 – 1link
9Jienjien Jienjien#9539(5K)Shogiban Mialino#3191(1K)1 – 0 no game
10Syncr0 Syncr0#6861(2K)Dasuke Dasuke#6482(4K)½-½ no game
11Nicflo92 Queen_Pc#9668(9K)Ramalam Ramalam62#5130(6K)0 – 0 no game

BYE POINT (free point, no opponent) > Neochapline Neochapline#1671 6K

Katz Katz#5890(5K) > withdraw

Round 6 results

Table NrPlayer 1Player 2ResultURL
1Moritzvb Moritz#9187(1K)Riddleben Riddle#1793(4K)0 – 1link
2Esskun Saito#6125(2K)Katz Katz#5890(5K)1 – 0link
3Davyjones Davyjones#41(5K)Lolmenz Lolmensans#913(3K)½-½ not played
4Alfieri Alfieri#2461(3K)Gosttone Gosttone#7428(4K)0 – 1link
5Ezra Ezrags#8840(3K)Olivandy Oli#7045(6K)0 – 1link
6Rosenzweig Shusaku#084(5K)Shogiban Mialino#3191(1K)1 – 0link
7Syncr0 Syncr0#6861(2K)Duduryuuoubr Duduplays(2K)0 – 1forfeit
8Whitetiger White Tiger(2K)Clawmac Clawmac#8739(2K)0 – 1link
9Jienjien Jienjien#9539(5K)Frenchychessplayer Fre(3K)0 – 1link
10Dasuke Dasuke#6482(4K)Lluc Lasoo#8843(4K)0 – 1link
11Vieridin Vieridin#6548(5K)Ramalam Ramalam62#5130(6K)1 – 0link
12Neochapline Neochaplin(6K)Nicflo92 Queen_Pc#9668(9K)½-½ not played

Round 5 results

Table NrPlayer 1Player 2ResultURL
1Katz Katz#5890(5K)Moritzvb Moritz#9187(1K)0 – 1link
2Riddleben Riddle#1793(4K)Lolmenz Lolmensans#913(3K)1 – 0link
3Gosttone Gosttone#7428(4K)Esskun Saito#6125(2K)0 – 1link
4Davyjones Davyjones#41(5K)Ezra Ezrags#8840(3K)1 – 0link
5Frenchychessplayer Fre(3K)Alfieri Alfieri#2461(3K)0 – 1link
6Olivandy Oli#7045(6K)Syncr0 Syncr0#6861(2K)1 – 0not played
7Shogiban Mialino#3191(1K)Vieridin Vieridin#6548(5K)1 – 0link
8Clawmac Clawmac#8739(2K)Duduryuuoubr Duduplays(2K)½-½ sched. prob.
9Whitetiger White Tiger(2K)Dasuke Dasuke#6482(4K)1 – 0link
10Nicflo92 Queen_Pc#9668(9K)Rosenzweig Shusaku#084(5K)0 – 1link
11Lluc Lasoo#8843(4K)Jienjien Jienjien#9539(5K)0 – 1link
12Ramalam Ramalam62#5130(6K)Neochapline Neochaplin(6K)0 – 1link

Round 4 results

Table NrPlayer 1Player 2ResultURL
1Lolmenz Lolmensans#913(3K)Moritzvb Moritz#9187(1K)0 – 1link
2Katz Katz#5890(5K)Davyjones Davyjones#41(5K)1 – 0link
3Shogiban Mialino#3191(1K)Riddleben Riddle#1793(4K)0 – 1link
4Esskun Saito#6125(2K)Clawmac Clawmac#8739(2K)1 – 0link
5Gosttone Gosttone#7428(4K)Syncr0 Syncr0#6861(2K)1 – 0link
6Ezra Ezrags#8840(3K)Vieridin Vieridin#6548(5K)1 – 0link
7Rosenzweig Shusaku#084(5K)Lluc Lasoo#8843(4K)1 – 0link
8Olivandy Oli#7045(6K)Ramalam Ramalam62#5130(6K)1 – 0link
9Dasuke Dasuke#6482(4K)Alfieri Alfieri#2461(3K)0 – 1link
10Frenchychessplayer Fre(3K)Nicflo92 Queen_Pc#9668(9K)1 – 0link
11Duduryuuoubr Duduplays(2K)Whitetiger White Tiger(2K)1 – 0link
12Neochapline Neochaplin(6K)Jienjien Jienjien#9539(5K)0 – 1link

Rumpel Rumpel#2372 > withdrawn for suspicious behavior indicating usage of external help to play the moves

Round 3 results

Table NrPlayer 1Player 2ResultURL
1Rumpel Rumpel#2372(2K)Katz Katz#5890(5K)0-1! not played
2Clawmac Clawmac#8739(2K)Davyjones Davyjones#41(5K)0 – 1link
3Moritzvb Moritz#9187(1K)Ezra Ezrags#8840(3K)1 – 0link
4Lolmenz Lolmensans#913(3K)Rosenzweig Shusaku#084(5K)1 – 0link
5Syncr0 Syncr0#6861(2K)Nicflo92 Queen_Pc#9668(9K)1 – 0link
6Alfieri Alfieri#2461(3K)Esskun Saito#6125(2K)0 – 1link
7Duduryuuoubr Duduplays(2K)Gosttone Gosttone#7428(4K)0 – 1link
8Vieridin Vieridin#6548(5K)Frenchychessplayer Fre(3K)1 – 0link
9Riddleben Riddle#1793(4K)Olivandy Oli#7045(6K)1 – 0link
10Whitetiger White Tiger(2K)Shogiban Mialino#3191(1K)0 – 1link
11Lluc Lasoo#8843(4K)Neochapline Neochaplin(6K)1 – 0link
12Jienjien Jienjien#9539(5K)Dasuke Dasuke#6482(4K)0 – 1link

BYE POINT (free point, no opponent) > Ramalam Ramalam62#5130 6K

Itsnyroc Nyroc#4551(2K) > withdraw

Round 2 results REDONE 7/17

Table NrPlayer 1Player 2ResultURL
1Katz Katz#5890(5K)Alfieri Alfieri#2461(3K)1 – 0link
2Riddleben Riddle#1793(4K)Clawmac Clawmac#8739(2K)0 – 1link
3Davyjones Davyjones#41(5K)Duduryuuoubr Duduplays(2K)1 – 0not played
4Moritzvb Moritz#9187(1K)Frenchychessplayer Fre(3K)1 – 0link
5Shogiban Mialino#3191(1K)Lolmenz Lolmensans#913(3K)0 – 1link
6Rumpel Rumpel#2372(2K)Rosenzweig Shusaku#084(5K)1 – 0link
7Nicflo92 Queen_Pc#9668(9K)Ezra Ezrags#8840(3K)0 – 1link
8Olivandy Oli#7045(6K)Dasuke Dasuke#6482(4K)1 – 0link
9Lluc Lasoo#8843(4K)Esskun Saito#6125(2K)0 – 1link
10Ramalam Ramalam62#5130(6K)Gosttone Gosttone#7428(4K)0 – 1link
11Vieridin Vieridin#6548(5K)Itsnyroc Nyroc#4551(2K)1 – 0not played
12Whitetiger White Tiger(2K)Jienjien Jienjien#9539(5K)1 – 0link
13Neochapline Neochaplin(6K)Syncr0 Syncr0#6861(2K)0 – 1link

Mashiromai Đức Ko Vui#(4K) > banned because of cheating

Round 1 results

Table NrPlayer 1Player 2ResultURL
1Alfieri Alfieri#2461(3K)Vieridin Vieridin#6548(5K)1 – 0link
2Clawmac Clawmac#8739(2K)Lluc Lasoo#8843(4K)1 – 0link
3Dasuke Dasuke#6482(4K)Moritzvb Moritz#9187(1K)0 – 1link
4Itsnyroc Nyroc#4551(2K)Davyjones Davyjones#41(5K)0 – 1link
5Mashiromai Đức Ko Vui#(4K)Duduryuuoubr Duduplays(2K)0 – 1!link
6Esskun Saito#6125(2K)Riddleben Riddle#1793(4K)0 – 1link
7Ezra Ezrags#8840(3K)Neochapline Neochaplin(6K)1 – 0link
8Frenchychessplayer Fre(3K)Olivandy Oli#7045(6K)1 – 0link
9Gosttone Gosttone#7428(4K)Shogiban Mialino#3191(1K)0 – 1link
10Jienjien Jienjien#9539(5K)Rumpel Rumpel#2372(2K)0 – 1link
11Syncr0 Syncr0#6861(2K)Katz Katz#5890(5K)0 – 1link
12Lolmenz Lolmensans#913(3K)Ramalam Ramalam62#5130(6K)1 – 0link
13Rosenzweig Shusaku#084(5K)Whitetiger White Tiger(2K)1 – 0link

BYE POINT (free point, no opponent) > Nicflo92 Queen_Pc#9668 9K